Monday, May 17, 2010

Transitional Kindergarten Graduation

Last Wednesday night, we had TK Graduation. Kidzworld did a fabulous job and made the evening so special. The program opened with a prayer and then Reese and Collin got to come forward to hold the U.S. flag and Christian flag for the pledges (see pic below). Our children do this every morning, and to get them to settle down, they all "go to sleep" afterwards. Then they "wake them up" with a bell, Reese and Collin also got to ring the bell to wake up the other TK grads! So, they felt like they had such a special part in the program.
After that, the kids sang 3 special songs that were traditional and more serious. Then, each child received an individual award. They were all named after different kinds of candy. Collin recevied the "Extreme" (sour air head) award and his certificate states, "for always being funny and cracking us up!" No surprise there, almost every adult that comes in contact with Collin always describes him as "funny". Collin is so unique and special, I feel so blessed that his personality shines thru and he doesn't hold back. Reese received the "Life-Saver" award and her certificate states, "she is always willing to lend a hand to others". Reese is such a sweet girl and does love to help. She thrives on praise and is a huge helper to those around her. I am so proud that she enjoys assisting others and hope her giving nature stays with her throughout her life--what an exceptional quality to possess.

After the awards, the kids left and changed out of their caps and gowns and came back in for a "fun" segment. They came in doing the "Bear Hunt" song, which was precious. Then they did a few more "circle time" songs. After those, each of the kids brought their Mommy's roses. The kids then sat with us and we watched a video montage of the kids at school. For a few of us, we have gone to Kidzworld since our kids were 2, so they included some of their 2 year old shots and I can't believe how much they have grown! Once the video was over, each of the kids were given a "Prayer Bear"--these bears have tiny momentos glued to them to help the children learn how to pray. For example, a flag to prayer for those serving our country, a band-aid to pray for those who are hurt and have boo-boo's, a mirror to pray for themselves, etc. So, that has been a tool they have used at school and can now use at home! It is so interesting to watch both of my children stand right next to each other and perform. Collin is VERY animated, loud and takes a personal bow after each song/performance. Reese is very quiet, does small movements and is a little self-conscious. I just can't believe my two children are so opposite!

To wrap it up, we are so incredibly thankful for our time at Kidzworld. I can't believe this is our last week. I truly believe they have instilled a love of education in Reese and Collin. Both of my children love school and have learned so much while there. More importantly they have learned a love for Jesus and the teachers and directors are great examples of warm, loving Christians. I am sad that it is our time to say good-bye, but Kidzworld will always hold the most special place in our hearts!

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