Friday, May 7, 2010

Collin and his teeth....BUMMER!

Not sure if I blogged about this before, but I went back in my archives and browsed over them quickly and didn't see anything. A year and a half ago, at a dental appointment, our former dentist saw a small spot on one of Collin's back teeth. She decided we should "watch it". Well, we had some billing issues with her office, so we switched to a new dentist. At our next month appointment, we saw a regular dentist (not pediatric) and he saw Collin had a large cavity in the spot, so he recommended we see a pediatric dentist to fill it. Well, that is when we switched to Dr. Rubin. Mind you, we have been going to some dentist every 6 months since my children were 3 years old, so I have not been irresponsible (you can see I am being completely defensive)! Upon getting into Dr. Rubin, he said the tooth was completely decayed and Collin needed a silver cap on it--I could not believe my ears, I was like "no way, can we not do a tooth colored cap?" Dr. Rubin thought we should definitely NOT do the tooth colored cap, so now Collin has a silver tooth....LOVELY! So, we move forward and at our next appointment, this last February (2 1/2 months ago), there was another spot Dr. Rubin wanted to watch. Well, the other night, Collin started complaining that it hurt when Jeff was brushing his teeth. So, sure enough, we can SEE the cavity. So, I take him in THAT NEXT DAY! Well, here we go again, he needs another silver cap. I am devastated! As his mother, I take full responsibility for this. Jeff or I brush his teeth every night, we don't let the kids do it themselves. We try to do the right thing--I am so frustrated! Poor Collin told Reese on the way to school (before our appointment), "I guess I have been eating too much candy". I thought that was so sad. I know and understand that he has a predisposition to this, but it just sucks! I said to Dr. Rubin on Wednesday, "Let's just pray that his adult teeth aren't like this." He basically told me not to hold my breath, that they probably will be.

1 comment:

Jessa said...

My kiddos teeth are like this too. So frustrating! Well, happy mother's day to you.