Friday, May 7, 2010

Soccer - Spring 2010

Julianne sent me a few pictures of Reese from the season and I thought I would share. This season has been interesting to say the least. Reese says she really likes soccer and she wants to keep doing it, but her actions on the field say otherwise (most of the time). I honestly think she is just intimidated by the other players. She is not aggressive at all and she has a hard time kicking the ball even when it bumps into her foot, not because she can't kick it, but I think she is scared too! When you ask her if this is it for soccer and if she wants to take a break, she says "NO". I thought we might sit the fall out, but she says she wants to keep trying. So, we will give it ONE more season (hopefully Coach Rob is up for giving us one more chance) and Jeff and I are going to really work with her. She seems pretty coordinated, handles the ball decently well and can run fast (when she tries), so we'll see. These pictures tell the story. Sometimes she is actually on it and doing pretty good, other times, she seems her thoughts are elsewhere. She really has improved, and at least given it a decent shot, these last couple of games. Tomorrow is our last game--so more pictures to follow!

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