Monday, December 28, 2009

White Christmas--Santa!!!

It was only appropriate that we had a white Christmas. Reese has been convinced that it definitely snows on Christmas. In fact on Wednesday the 23rd, she said, "It is can't be Christmas it isn't even cold". Then on Christmas Eve, she said, "It's Christmas--it's snowing!" I had been trying to tell her all month long that it might not snow on Christmas, but she was convinced it would and Santa delivered!
On Christmas morning...little feet came running into our bedroom to wake us up. Collin asked, "Can we go see if Santa came?" I told him we had to wake Reese up and get our cameras ready, so he ran in to wake up Reese and they came back ready to go. They were both so excited and they could not believe their little eyes with all of the goodies that Santa brought. They opened many gifts, looked thru their stockings and the favorites seemed to be a white kitty that Santa brought to Reese and for Collin it was a Blue Angels jet. They have been playing non-stop and having so much fun! After almost all of the opening, unpacking, putting batteries in, we looked up and saw.......a TRAMPOLINE!! The kids could not believe their eyes and said, "Santa must have a VERY BIG sleigh". After all the celebration, the kids went to check out the snow and to see if the Reindeer ate their food...and they ate almost every last morsel. Reese said, "we can see the Reindeer tracks" and Collin was excited and kept saying "Santa's foot prints". There foot prints and Reindeer tracks all thru the yards and all along the sidewalks! What a Christmas to rememeber!!

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