Monday, December 14, 2009

Cookie Exchange

My friend Amy hosts a cookie exchange every year and there is always a "surprise" visitor--it just happens to be Santa each year! The kids LOVE it and so do the Mommy's! Collin warmed right up to Santa, he hugged him, jumped on his lap, talked to him--he even helped Reese go see Santa. She was NOT going to go talk him without Collin, so he obliged. Collin held her hand walking over to see him, he got up on Santa's lap first and then Reese followed. She did muster up the courage to tell him she wanted a "kitty". I really was proud of her, because I thought she was disappointed she didn't tell him last week at "Breakfast with Santa". So, after all the kids sat on his lap and got some pictures, Santa talked to the kids, sang with them, took some group pictures and in the mean time....Collin is trying to pull off his hat, when he stands Collin takes his chair and kicks him in the bootie--let's just say Collin was being his mischievious little self. All this to say that Collin ADORES Santa. He has no intimidation factor...he will talk to him, play with him, tease him, etc. I LOVE this about Collin because this trait is what makes Collin EXACTLY who he is. He has a zest and love for life. He gets excited about EVERYTHING, even the smallest things. I wish I had that. Sometimes his excitement is hard to contain, and displays itself in ways I would prefer to hide, but nonetheless, his joy and wonder make it that much more exciting to do these type of things!

1 comment:

Julianne said...

I am so glad Reese got her courage up to talk to him! They both look so cute and your description of Collin is great. They are both such great kids!