Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Eve

Since snow was falling fast and furiously, the temperatures were dropping and the roads were supposedly starting to freeze, we decided we better head back to Dallas--after a fun filled day at Papa and Cha Cha's. The drive home was filled with fun and laughter, and Reese and Collin were completely giddy and squealing with excitement at the thought of what Christmas morning might bring. To hear the pure joy in their little voices was a reminder of what Christmas is all about. They were both talking about hoping to hear Santa's bells and wanting to see the reindeer...but they both knew that had to be asleep in order for Santa to come. Reese must have said 100 times, "I am so excited!--I can't wait". Collin was trying to figure out how he could peek on Santa and sneak in and see him. They were both just so cute.
Well...................the excitement soon turned to grumpy, tired little monkeys after driving 1.9 miles in about 2.5 hours time. On our way home, highway 380 was shut down due to an accident and the weather and the other roads were completely iced over. It took us over 3 hours to get home from what should have been and hour and fifteen minute drive. We FINALLY (safely) made it home and for that we were very thankful.
We then had our own little family Christmas that we always start off by reading "The Christmas Story", reminding all of us why we give gifts at Christmas time. The kids each get 3 gifts representing the 3 wisemen who brought Baby Jesus gifts because they LOVED HIM. So, we give gifts at Christmas to show our love and to say "Happy Birthday, Baby Jesus".
After the kids opened their 3 presents, we made a plate with cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. We also poured a big glass of milk and then went outside to sprinkle reindeer food on the snow-covered lawn. It was then off to bed -- for Santa and his elves had work to do!

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