Monday, December 7, 2009

Piano Holiday Performance and Party

Yesterday, Mrs. JoAnn had all of her piano students hold a Holiday performance at Parkway Hills Baptist Church. After the performance, their was a nice reception for the kids. Well, I wasn't sure how this was going to work, but originally I thought it was going to be more like a party and the kids would just take turns playing their songs informally, but as time drew closer, I felt it might be more "recital" like. Well, we get there yesterday and Reese was first to perform in the program. The minute we walked into the room, she kept saying she was NOT going to do it (she has been saying this for weeks). I went to find Ms. JoAnn and tell her, it is probably not going to happen, just want to prepare you. Jeff and I had already discussed we weren't going to make a big deal out of it--if she wanted to do it then great and if no, then no big deal. So, sure enough Mrs. JoAnn speaks a little then calls Reese's name--she hides behind me and is saying "NO!", so we pass on her turn. I felt so bad for her because she really enjoyed listening to everyone else play and at one point said, "I really WANT to play my song, I am just too shy". It made me tear up because she has been practicing for weeks and she is SO proud of herself when she plays at home, I just don't know how to help her overcome this fear---open to any suggestions???? Anyways, she didn't play and I felt she was sad about it, but maybe this experience will help prepare her for next time. Mrs. JoAnn came up to her at the reception and told her she was really glad she came and that maybe she could play next year...and Reese shook her head "NO" not sure what will happen in the future, I guess time and maturity will only tell. More than anything, I hope Reese can develop a love for playing the piano and it can be a hobby for her--I wish I could play! If this doesn't end up being her thing, then that is completely fine too, but she does seem to enjoy it in the privacy of our own home, so we'll see.

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