Saturday, May 30, 2009

Last Day of School

The Thursday before last, May 21, was our last day of school. It was an unexpected flow of emotions. I cried when I dropped them off and I cried more when I went to pick them up (as were many of my Mommy friends which of course made it worse). I think the last few weeks, I have realized how old Reese and Collin are getting. This is bitter sweet. Of course as they grow older, you can appreciate and connect on a more mature level, but it also means they are growing up and time is passing by WAY too fast. One of the biggest advantages to having them home with me another year, is MORE time with them. Not only is it more time, but it is at an age/time where it is really fun to go do things with them.

I am going to miss Reese and Collin's teachers so much, we will see them next year, but they won't be our teachers anymore. I feel that each of them had teachers that were a perfect fit for each of their personalities. I am also going to miss the friends (both theirs and mine) that we have made over the last 3 years (most of them are going onto Kindergarten). I love that my kids have become close to many of the classmates and that us parents have shared much of our children's preschool years together. We have watched each others kids change, mature and grow and these are friendships I truly treasure. So, while I am sad and I hate change, we do still have a few friends who will be in TK with my kids AND I believe we will stay in touch with those that mean the most to us!
The last day of school was pajama day! Jeff went with me to pick them up (we surprised them) and they were so excited. Thank you Kidzworld for another WONDERFUL year!!!

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