Wednesday, May 13, 2009

2 funny conversations..

WARNING: If you prefer to refer to "private" parts, rather than the correct name of the male/female anatomy, you might want to refrain from reading the following post. I swear these 2 conversations happened within a 12 hour span of time. My kids crack me up...a couple of conversations that I can't help but still giggle when I think of them.

Last Friday: The setting was me in the bathtub and Reese visiting

Reese: Mommy I see your boobies.

Me: Yes, they are here.

Reese: I have little boobies.

Me: Yes you do, but when you get older, they will get bigger.

Reese: Well, Daddy has really BIG boobies and you have a little bit big boobies.

Me: laughing my bootie off.....not sure who should be more insulted--Me or Jeff!!! LOL!!!

Last Saturday: Setting was Collin in the bathroom and he wanted me to come with him

Collin: I am going to sit down to go peepee

Me: Okay....who else sits down when they go peepee?

Collin: Uncle B

Me: Well, maybe he had to go poo-poo

Collin: Does Uncle B have a penis?

Me: Yep, I am pretty sure he does (trying not to laugh....but hardly resisting the temptation)

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