Monday, April 19, 2010

Kindergarten Round-Up

Last Thursday, I registered Reese and Collin for Kindergarten. I had the biggest lump in my throat and felt so emotional the entire week. I can't believe my babies are about to start full-time school. I have loved the time I have had home with them and want to cherish every moment this summer. They go 3 days a week now, from 9:00-2:15 and this is just perfect--can't we just keep it this way?
I think I am also highly emotional because I will most likely be going back to work next fall, hopefully teaching. This wasn't exactly what I dreamt about, because I always saw myself as "room mom", having lunch with my kids, attending all class parties, etc. and now I feel like I won't necessarily be able to do that. Life doesn't always go as planned, and right now, our family needs me to step up to the plate and help contribute financially. As we all know, the economy is not doing the greatest, and the real estate market is especially struggling. My financial contributions will hopefully help provide a safety net while the economy and market improves. Fingers crossed, I will work for a few years, and then I will be able to once again stay home and take care of the household.
In the meantime, I am going to enjoy Reese and Collin and make the very most of our summer. In the fall, I will send my babies off to Kindergarten and take advantage of all the events, parties, etc. that my new job will allow. I will trust God and have faith that whatever I end up doing next Fall is exactly where I am supposed to be and what I am supposed to be doing. Please say a prayer for our family, that doors will open, and that we will all be able to transition smoothly into this new phase of life.

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