Saturday, September 19, 2009


Reese has started her first season of outdoor soccer. She is playing on the "Glitter Girls" and we are so thrilled to be a part of this team. The parents are all wonderful, the girls are sweet little girls and the coaches are GREAT with the kids! Reese is having so much fun. The first practice she was a little reluctant to get out there, so I ran beside her and helped her dribble the soccer ball, but very the quickly into that first practice, the coaches got the girls to playing games and having fun and Reese has been having a BLAST. Her first game was today (last week was cancelled b/c of rain) and she did such a good job. I am so proud of her, and ALL of the girls, for really listening to the coaches and showing off some of the good soccer skills they are learning. Looking forward to a fun season ahead!!

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