Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Handwriting Clinic

Well, last year I knew Collin was struggling to write as much as his peers, but I pretty much chalked it up to immaturity and him being a boy. I knew this was something we could work on, so I decided I would watch and see how his writing progressed. Late spring and early summer, he got to where he didn't want to color or write at all, it was like he was embarrassed. So, in July, I decided we were going to have to start working on it, so he wasn't behind or "insecure" about this once school started. (Having a twin sister who is not struggling in this area, makes it blatantly obvious to Collin that it is harder for him--I hate this for him). So, we sat down one morning, I gave both the kids a sheet of writing tablet and was going to have them practice a few letters. Well, Reese breezed thru and Collin was still stuck on "A". He got so upset, he was throwing a total fit and had a complete melt down. I felt horrible that I hadn't really been on top of this before now, but I don't typically have my kids do "homework" type things at home. I tried my best to reassure him and help him, but he is so independent--he does not WANT help, plus he could see it was so easy for Reese. So, I made him an appoitment at The Handwriting Clinic and they couldn't get him in until September 1. So, we went and had him evaluated. They said this is NOT a fine motor issue--his grip is great, he is holding the pencil firmly, but he seems to have a visual motor delay. It is more of a "processing" issue. The definition is a difficulty with "the child's ability to accurately interpret and reproduce visually presented symbols". So, we are doing a class at The Handwriting Clinic--he goes once a week for an hour long class and then we practice each day at home for approx. 15 min. He loves the class, they make it lots of fun and they get rewarded with play time in this fun gym. I am hoping we have caught this pretty early and that Collin will be able to overcome this with maturity and practice. He has an eye doctor appointment tomorrow (Sept. 14) to screen for any other "visual" issues. Praying for a normal and good report. I love my sweet Collin to death and I just want him to feel confident and secure in everything he does.

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