Sunday, September 13, 2009

Reese & Collin's Birthday

On Reese & Collin's actual birthday, I always try to make their day extra special. So, they woke up and I made them "Birthday" waffles. We were going to go to Hawaiian Falls, but it rained, so they decided they wanted to go to The Wiggly Play Center instead. After that, we headed to the mall, so they could use a little birthday money to pick out a toy at the Disney Store. We then ate lunch at Chic-fil-A. After a big morning and afternoon, we came home to rest until Jeff got home. Reese and Collin then opened presents and we went out for a dinner at Chuck E. Cheese. This was definitely the highlight of their birthday--the kids had such a fun time. There was NO ONE there, so we pretty much had the whole place to ourselves. Thanks to Uncle Russ for meeting us--the Reese and Collin love you!! I still can't believe that my babies are FIVE years old--where has the time gone?

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