Thursday, June 5, 2008

My sweet angels....most of the time

Reese and Collin have gotten to be super affectionate these days. Both of them are always saying, "I want to snuggle you Mommy", which no matter WHAT I am doing I always try to stop and give them a snuggle. These are the times that I don't want to ever look back on and wish that I had given them that snuggle, so I am very particular about that. I am also really loving that they are really learning how to butter me up! Collin has been saying the last couple of days, "Mommy, I am your best friend"...and of course my reply is always, "yes you are angel". Reese uses the best friend line often as well, but she is always saying (completely random but VERY often which is what makes it so sweet), "I love you Mommy"--and it just melts my heart. I try to be really affectionate with them and use many terms of endearment and now I am hearing them all come back to me. Of course, as sweet as they can be, they can turn on a dime and when they do it is NOT pretty--so it must be God's way of keeping me sane!

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