Wednesday, April 9, 2008

In case you were wondering....

Yes, wearing your seat belt under your arm is definitely against the law and you can get a ticket for not wearing it properly. Jeff and I were driving down the street tonight and next thing we know, we are getting pulled over. We KNEW we weren't speeding, so we were wondering WHY we were being pulled over. When the officer approached the car, he started off by asking for Jeff's license, but then he looked over at me and said, "Oh you looked much younger when yall passed me so I am going to need to see YOUR license" (as if that wasn't enough of an insult), he then explained that wearing your seatbelt under your arm was breaking the law. WHO FREAKIN' KNEW????? So, I explained to him that I REALLY didn't know (and I seriously didn't). Well, apparently he didn't really care, because I was written a citation for my seat belt being worn under my arm. I am still mad, it just seems like a really silly reason to get a ticket. I swear, I never get out of tickets. For those of you who ALWAYS get out of them, please send tips, they are needed.

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