Friday, March 7, 2008

Playing Dress-Up...1st thing this morning

As you can see, we have already dressed up as many different people today. Reese and Collin are really getting into dressing up and pretend play. Reese has really started to think she is a truly a "princess"--I mean why not--right??? Collin even thinks HE is a princess sometimes (but we keep trying to encourage PRINCE and knight in shining armour). Jeff is not quite sure what to think of this, but I keep trying to convince him that it is just a stage and come on, girl stuff is MORE FUN!!!! We have tried to incorporate some "male" dress-up clothes, but for some reason we have an abundance of "princess" gear. I think it is so funny to see then dress up and be so proud of how they look--just thought I would share. I hope no one blackmails them with these pics one day--Collin might kill me!

1 comment:

TEAMMA said...

super cute! i love when the play dress times!