Five years ago I met Jeff and we KNEW from very early on in our relationship that we were meant to be together. I never dreamed I would find such an amazing person to spend my life with. A year and a half later we were shocked to find out we were pregnant with TWINS!!!! What a blessing--we were so excited! I always wanted to have babies and be able to stay home with them. We have definitely sacrificed to make this happen, but we would not change it for the world. I feel so blessed to be able to enjoy my kiddos and have so much time with them while they are little.
"Meet the Teacher" night was great. Collin got Ms. Jamison for his teacher and Reese got Ms. Martin. Each of them got to do a little scavenger hunt around their rooms and got to see where they will sit and meet some of the new friends they will have in class. Before we were released to actually go meet the teachers and go see the rooms, we had a brief "kindergarten" meeting. The counselor, Ms. Salmon, read a poem that almost killed me. I literally was doing the ugly cry and had to stop listening just so I could pull it together. I know they do this, so as parents, we will know our children will be well taken care of, but seriously--send the poem home with us or something. I did eventually pull it together and we enjoyed the rest of our time! Luckily, the kids were in the gym with all the other new kindergarteners, while we were meeting. I would not have wanted them to have been worried about me! After, we met Nana for dinner and she gave them their new backpacks and lunch boxes for school!!! So fun!
You were born together, and together you shall be forevermore.... but let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
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