Friday, November 20, 2009

"Marvelous Me"- Reese

This last week was Reese's "Marvelous Me" week and we had lots of fun celebrating just how special she is! Tuesday, I went to class and discussed her favorite things and showed them examples on her pink and black flower poster. One of her favorite arts and crafts. So, after her poster we did a turkey craft. The kids seemed to really enjoy it and the turkeys turned out so cute! On Wednesday, Nana and Apa' came to school and they brought their worm farm. Nana discussed what worms eat, how to handle them, what they do for our earth, etc. The kids got to put on plastic gloves and touch and hold them (some weren't so keen on this idea). After they learned all about the worms, Nana and Apa' presented all of the kids with a "Wormologist" certificate. Nana and Apa' also brought "Worm Dirt Pudding" for all of the kids to snack on. The pudding cups were so cute! On Thursday, Jeff went and ate lunch with Reese and Collin, so quite a special week!

1 comment:

Diane said...

I can not get over how grown up Reese is looking --- she is so beautiful!! Sounds like a wonderful week :). I have said it before but will say it again I love Ms Chandee and am so happy that your kids are getting be in with her.