Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Frisco Family Services Center

Helping carry the food in (above picture)

Helping weigh the food Kidzworld donated

Kidzworld held a food drive for pre-k and TK. The kids were asked to bring in canned and non-perishable items to donate to FFSC. Last Thursday, Ms. Nish was going to drop off all of the donated items, and offered to let anyone come along that would like to go. So, I thought this was a good opportunity to, once again, introduce "service" to Reese and Collin (we went last year too). We followed Ms. Nish there, and when we arrived, we helped her carry all of the items from the car to the door of FFSC. Then, the kids were allowed to help weigh the donated items--this is how they measure how much is donated. After weighing the food, the kids were then allowed to help place the items on the shelves. The kids especially loved this part! I loved that FFSC really allowed the kids to get involved and feel a part of this project. I hope my kids can learn to have a giving heart...not only of money or donations, but also of their time.

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