Monday, June 22, 2009

It's the small things....

Happy Father's Day to Jeff!! We had a good day, we went to MY dad's and hung out with my sisters and our families. We brought a pool and Dad has a slip n' slide, so the kids played in the water most of the afternoon. Jeff even took a turn-HA!
Jeff is the most amazing Daddy. I was thinking of all the things that make Jeff such a great Dad and I realize it is all of the small things. Our kids are madly in love with Jeff. The way they look at him, the way they squeal when the garage door goes up, and the asking everyday if Daddy will be home it the weekend? The diappointment they express when we tell them it is Sunday night and Daddy has work tomorrow. They just enjoy him so much. Again, it is the small things that make Jeff such a wonderful father. It is when he is cleaning out his tools, the way he will sit with Reese and Collin and show them all the tools and explain what they do...and answer all their questions. It is the hours the 3 of them spend in the garage while Jeff works on the motorcycle and that BOTH of my kids know what a carburetor (sp?) is. It is the way he lays in their room while he tucks them in (if it is their turn) and talk to them about camping, hunting, vacation....whatever it might be. It is that he will count from 1 to 100 just to teach them how to do it. It is that Jeff will fill up watering cans/buckets OVER and OVER an OVER again while he is in the backyard. It is building sandcastles in the sandbox countless times. I am so thankful for all of the small things. Thank you Jeff for being YOU. Thank you for all you do for our family. Most of all, thank you for all of the love and attention you give to our children and for the SMALL things. This is why our kids love and adore you.

1 comment:

Morton Madness said...

I love that Jeff took a turn... I did that about 2 years ago and thought I popped my boobs :) Of course they are real so that could never happen.... it sure did hurt though. I do not remember it hurting that bad when I was little :)

Dads ROCK! When my boys hear the garage door they stop what they are doing and run and hide and makes Justin find them. EVERY day they do that and I LOVE It!