Monday, April 13, 2009

FIRST Soccer Game--Lil' Strikers

This last Saturday was Reese & Collin's first soccer game. The kids were so excited and warm-ups went very well. Then, the game started. Collin seemed a little intimidated and wasn't quite sure what to do. I have to give him this, they had their first practice on Thursday and they haven't even had the kids scrimmage one another. I don't think he even realizes what a soccer game IS. He seemed a little overwhelmed for most of the game, but started to warm up and attempted to get involved after half-time. Reese ran up and down the field very quickly to follow the "mob"--she also started to jump in and try to kick the ball more as the game went on. The last couple minutes of the game Reese pulled a hang nail and that was the ONLY thing she was worried about once that happened. I hope Reese and Collin can start to figure out exactly how this whole soccer thing works and will start getting in there and being more assertive. They both had a lot of fun and I do think that is most important at this age. HURRAY for REESE & COLLIN and the Lil' Strikers! Looking forward to the next 7 games!

1 comment:

aichiba said...

I love the picture of them holding hands - so sweet!