Friday, October 16, 2009

State Fair of Texas

Last night we went to the fair and we happened to end up going on an absolutely perfect night! The weather was not hot and not cold and the sun actually came out (it has rained/drizzled or been cloudy for weeks). We had such a good time and it was so nice to go to the fair, for the first time as a family, WITHOUT the stroller. The kids had the best time and so did we. We were so glad Coco and Papa decided to join us at the last minute. Yall rode all kinds of rides, ate some junk, got your faces painted and went to the petting zoo. Doesn't seem like we could fill 5 hours doing that, but we did!
Each kiddo had a drama filled moment, can't go without any of those-HA! Collin and Reese were riding on the airplanes and about 10 seconds into the ride, Collin started to stand up. They stopped the entire ride, walked straight over to Collin, jerked him out and kicked him off the ride---can you say tears? The "carni" (guy working the ride) told Jeff, "the sign clearly says do not stand up", we were like, "he doesn't know how to read", but they were not having it and he was NOT going to be allowed to ride. I can understand and actually surprised/impressed that they take safety so seriously, but they do, so warn your kids--HA! After a good 2 minute cry, it was off to the next ride.
We had convinced Reese to ride one ride where you lay on your tummy kind of like you are Superman. Jeff was next to her, on the ride, and she said she had to go to the potty. They were taking forever to get the ride loaded and finally Reese started to cry. We got her off, before the ride ever started, and she had a 2 minute melt down herself. She had a slight potty accident (this is like the 2nd one EVER) not sure if it was truly a potty emergency or nerves...I think it might have been more nerves. Poor girl, thank goodness for lots more rides and games.
Each of the kids won a prize as well. Reese won her stuffed bear throwing darts. I was surprised she could do it, but so happy she did! Collin wanted to shoot the basketball...which made me nervous b/c I knew that since Reese had won, that the water works might start if he didn't win too. After 7 attempts (the 8th was his last chance), the guy in charge of the game, assisted Collin. He picked him, walked him over to the basket and let him drop it a WIN for Collie too! He won a "Dallas Cowboys" basketball! Thank goodness they both left with a prize! Can I just say that I love the fair? It is so much fun, the kids love it and it is something I look forward to each year. Looking forward to next year already!


Julianne said...

Love the Batman face with the Batman hat!

Shannon Reeves said...

What sweet pictures. It looks like you all had so much fun.